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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  June 27, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> greg: we're out of time. [cheering] >> five, count them, five gop candidate headed to new hampshire for the 2024 cycle. >> carley: ron desantis vows to eliminate excuses for not getting the job done. >> this border, because of negligent of biden administration and their intentional failure, controlled by the mexican drug cartel. >> carley: asking voters which candidate they trust to clean up
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the mess. >> todd: quite the sight in the big apple. >> you heard of boston tea party this is new york pizza party. give us pizza or give us death. >> todd: if you can't take the heat, don't touch their oven. you are watching "fox and friends first" on tuesday morning. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. president biden shutting down claims he knew about his son's oversea business dealings tying him to millions of dollars of chinese cash. ♪ [indiscernible] >> no. >> todd: brooke singman here with exclusive reporting. >> brooke: president biden denial as white house goes on defense about hunter biden
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attending the state dinner with his father amid political interference and investigation into tax affairs which led to hunter pleading guilty to two tax charges and one gun charge. listen. >> hunter biden wasn't the president's son, would he have invited someone who just reached a plea agreement with federal prosecutors? >> couple of things. that is his son, it is not uncommon for family members to attend events at the white house. >> brooke: irs whistleblowers said far more charges were recommended. house republicans say americans deserve answers from prosecutors who allegedly mishandled the probe from the beginning. >> we will focus on the justice
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department, we want to talk to david weiss, mr. estrada. this is a credible whistleblower, 14 years experience. >> brooke: james comer sounding off about a special counsel investigating, telling me, if you support a special counsel, you support atrust merrick garland to pick one person who can take over the investigation and never have to be transparent. i trust the house oversight committee to lead this investigation. comer believes the crimes the biden may have committed are being covered up by merrick garland and he says his committee will get to the bottom of it. >> carley: listen to this, ladies of "the view," defending the president. anna even getting emotional with
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this comment. >> the hunter biden, the scoandl and this and that. it is the story of love of a father. he is a father first. take it or leave it. >> carley: i will have to say, if you read the e-mails and text messages, joe biden never looked more sympathetic. that is one thing. other thing is the plea deal, is it fair? hunter biden making money off the family name and this allegation of bribery and that is something else entirely and does not make the president look sympathetic. >> todd: nobody is telling joe biden to not love his son. the issue is hunter biden receiving preferential treatment at the hands of joe biden's
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committee. it is not the father-son relationship, it is red herring for anna. >> carley: one narrative that keeps oncoming up defenders of the biden family, hunter is a sympathetic figure because of his addiction. >> todd: a lot of people are sympathetic and they do not commit crimes. today murder suspect bryan kohberger due in court one day after prosecutors announce they are seeking the death penalty. bryan kohberger is accused of stabbing four students to death in idaho. facing four counts of first-degree murder and burglary. his trial scheduled to begin on
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october 2. >> carley: surveillance video shows a man dragging a woman down the street. she was sitting in her parked car and the suspect robs her and gets in his own car to make a give away. she wasn't giving up, reaching in the window to get her bag back. she was rushed to the hospital and treated for head injuries, but says she would do it again. for me to fight to the end, i feel good about it. i feel violated, i feel good because i put up a fight. tough lady there. >> todd: rhode island -- keying car that had an anti-biden bumper sticker. officers confronted joshua miller at the scene last week.
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>> the maniac who yelled at me in the car next to me. >> i didn't jach the car. i am a state senator. i think you'd recognize me. he called out my name, i never told him my name. >> he didn't say any of that, okay. >> todd: interesting to watch a lie in progress. officers went to his home after seeing surveillance video that showed him damaging the car. >> you keyed his car, we can make a big deal out of this or a little deal. hes saying, miller -- >> that is the guy that keyed my car. why would you key his car? >> listen. he was threatening me. >> there is video. >> he was threatening -- >> todd: oh, what a tangled web we weave.
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he was released on $1000 bond. no laughing matter for kamala harris, her approval ratings are the lowest ever. >> carley: things looking up for ron desantis. florida chief financial officer petraeus will tell us about it coming up next.
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so, you've got the power of xfinity at home. now take it outside with xfinity mobile. like speed? it's the fastest mobile service around. with the best price for two lines of unlimited. only $30 bucks a line per month. that's hundreds in savings a year when you wave bye to the other guys. save hundreds a year on your wireless bill over t-mobile, at&t and verizon. and right now, get up to $1000 off select samsung phones. switch today.
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>> carley: not good news if your name is kamala harris. new poll reveals the vice
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president has the lowest, 49%s of vouters have a negative view, that makes her the least liked vice president since nbc started. dick cheney had the highest. five gop presidential candidates heading to new hampshire today, site of the first primary election in the cycle. >> the new hampshire primary coming up early next year and campaign time, that is no time, hitting granite state is former president trump, ron desantis, nikki haley, vivek ramaswamy and will herd will be there, too. he is in it now. if we look at real clear politics average of polls in new hampshire.
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the former president holds twice of ron desantis and rest in the low single digits. governor desantis coming off visit to the border where he criticized harris and biden handling there. >> we will be the administration that brings the issue of southern border to a conclusion, we will stop it and fight the cartels so americans stop dying from their poison. >> the former president fired back and wrote desanctimonious showed up on the texas border with no excitement, he is a failed candidate and he would do all things done by me in creating strongest border by far in u.s. history, a total waste of time. desantis did score win with
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endorsement by florida largest police union. the choice for us could not be clearer, governor ron desantis has made florida law and order state, one of the most effective governors in the nation. t thattion has 30,000 members. >> carley: bring in jimmy petronis. this police union is in florida, the reason it is notable, they once backed trump and now endorsing desantis. what is your reaction to that? >> in florida, we pride ourselves on support of law enforcement. this past year we increased salaries and retirement benefits. there is something consistent between myself, we have strongest economy in the history
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of the state and you don't have that. that safety net is robust. we recruited 2200 law enforcement officers word process recruitment bonus over the last year. if you want to have a safe economy, happy economy, happy state, support your law enforcement. >> todd: we have interviewed officers who move south to florida in light of the bonuses and are happy in your state. house weaponization committee says the sisa, has censored americans during the biden administration. the committee and select sub-committee received documents that reveal sisa, surveilled american speech on social media, colluded with big tech to searchs sensor censure by
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preksor. your reaction to this not surprising report? >> this is why states like florida have to go and put their own policy in place. this past year we passed robust data property package and the biden administration allows mogulls from california to rule the world and they are unfettered support from china. so disappointing our administration won't take this in hand because of what it does to our children. washington is broken when it comes to this issue. >> carley: back on the endorsement topic, half of congressional delegation endorsed donald trump and congressman greg steube has said he's tried many times to reach out to governor desantis and never heard back even though his
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district was hit hardest by hurricane ian. he says the governor has trouble with relationships. >> look, i think governor desantis, it is the way he rolls. there is old addage, if you want a friend in politics, go get yourself a dog. ron desantis works, he is a work horse, greg is just upset because he didn't get a phone call revealed. >> carley: he was working hard at the border yesterday. we'll talk with a panel later in the show. thanks. >> thank you, take care. >> carley: dr. fauci just landed a brand-new distinguished teaching gig, which major university and putting him on the payroll. >> todd: would you buy your child an ai teddy bear?
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>> carley: no n-o. >> todd: we'll talk about high-tech toys when we come back. choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection.
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>> todd: back with a fox weather alert. a thousand flights cancelled today. there is damage and downed trees, central north carolina getting pelted with hail balls, the region could see two inches. >> carley: stifling heat wave across the south enters 12th day. triple digit temperatures
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expected to continue. excessive heat warnings in lone star state to florida. >> janice: has the fox weather forecast. janice. >> janice: we were forecasting this yesterday, a lot of storm damage for i-95 corridor and could see another round of strong storms today. take a look, area of low pressure across great lakes, flash flood warning just west of new jersey into right on the border of pennsylvania and stronger storms for the plain states today, including hail, damaging wind and isolated tornados. the heat for parts of the south. a lot of thunderstorms across rockies. severe storm threat, widespread area here and across interior northeast watching that. heat alert from southwest to
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florida. another day of extreme heat for texas. into the third week of temperatures surpassing 100 in big cities and with humidity it is oppressive. warm temperatures for parts of the mississippi river valley and midwest across gulf coast. for texas 110 in del rio. dangerous and will continue throughout this work week. we'll see possible record highs today through the week, texas across mississippi river valley. heat is number one weather related killer and no end in sight. make mention, we have smoke for upper midwest and moving into the northeast from the canadian wildfires. it will happen all summer long. >> todd: so bad for air quality
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and people trying to breathe, please stay inside. thank you. toy company v-tech looking into adding ai technology to your child's teddy bear. the company ceo pushing the idea saying you can incorporate the kid's name and daily activities. it can tell a story and talk like a good friend. sydney weisman, at wowi.e., joins us now. is this a good idea? >> yes, i think it will be a good idea, however, i don't think we are 100% there yet. there are rules and regulations and the most important thing is children's safety and until they flush out ai, i think we are
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years away unless we use it in a closed network like in robots. >> todd: how could ai make its way to my child's toy. i want to have an open mind, right now i'm scared. how would it go down? >> i think it is funny when ai tools come out, we use them frequently at the office. first thing was story telling, it makes perfect sense. kids will speak and it will be able to create a story for them based on what they like. kids do often say the darn dest thing, until we are able to control what information is it taking, it will be in this world of we're figuring out best practices to use it. i think using ai as something that makes toys smart based on the kid's personality is something we're going to strife
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to look into how we incorporate into future toys. >> todd: that makes sense. isn't this another thing in my house that can spy on me and be used by nefarious actors from china to a pedophile to infiltrate my child and my home? >> yeah, so i think cameras especially, cameras are something we're super cautious putting into toys. i think vtech of the world will crack it. at wowwee, we have dog-e, and he learns based on how a child plays with it. it is a closed world that we monitor. the dog will learn and adapt to the child, but will not learn
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the child's name and share it anywhere. the child will tell the dog its name and i am sure it will learn temperature is ai-esque. >> todd: we have a little doll like a robot that dances and asked me to sing to it and i do, i wonder is this communicating back to the ccp, i think about it every time and it is real, it does ask me to sing. we appreciate your time, good insight. >> carley: i will not ask you to sing. >> todd: ron desantis laying out a plan for taking back the border from the cartel. >> if somebody were breaking into your house to do something bad, you would respond with force, why don't we do that at
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the southern border? if cartels are trying to run product into this country, they will end up stone-cold dead. >> carley: next guest are border state voters personally impacted by the crisis. we'll ask them if they like what they are hearing from desantis. stay with us. more shopping? you should watch your spending honey. i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. check it out, you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, i'll look into that. let me put a reminder on my phone. save $700 dollars. pick up dad from airport? ohhhhhh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit >> todd: overnight russia dropping charges over the rebel
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mercenary despite putin admitting the threat played into the hands of russia. belarus stepped in and negotiated a deal. a jet was tracked flying from russia to belarus today, where the leader agreed to go into exile to escape consequences of putin. former navy seal tim sheeheart attack y in the montana senate race. >> whether in war or business, i see problems and solve them. america needs conservative leaders, i'm running for the united states senate. >> todd: this is one to watch, if the republican flips this seat, it would have big effect on taking back the upper
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chamber. >> carley: presidential candidate ron desantis putting out a strategy at the southern border. >> it is humiliating as a country to not have control of our own territory. we need to do something about it, we will not make excuses and do empty promises. we will be the administration that brings the issue of our southern border to a conclusion. >> carley: jonathan lyons, joins us, along with sandra bagwell. thank you for joining us. ron desantis plan includes ending catch and release, reimposing stay in mexico, increasing border patrol pay and end birth right citizenship.
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bob, what do you think about that plan? >> i love every part of that. so much sense? everything he is saying. the thing i'm interested in is stopping it and not doing the accounting and clerical effort of bringing people in. you have no idea what chaos this is doing on the border and in ems l el paso and think about juarez, people are camping in the street. it is a mess everywhere. the cities are poor, they can't handle tens of thousands of people. i work in juarez everyday, i wait at the bridge to cross because custom and border patrol
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agents are busy doing clerical work and not staffing the bridge line. >> carley: you are crossing from mexico to the united states everyday for work, very interesting. jonathan, out of all candidates running and there are many, which do you think would handle this crisis the best? >> you know, it has been interesting. president trump has been to yuma three times. desantis was just at the tucson border and we had robert kennedy here a month ago. they have the same message, to secure the border. speaking with local people who work in the military and in agriculture, they are looking for somebody who regardless of whose idea it was, will do what they say they are going to do. we have had hundreds of people come to yuma. we are looking for a permanent
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solution. we almost have the wall finished here. mayorkas said he would finish it on behalf of president biden and we have maybe 60 feet. love to see somebody committed to doing what they say they are going to do. we have multiple segmentes in yuma completed by the last five presidents. we are looking for resolution to the challenges, especially because of fentanyl and i'm sorry to the other guest for the loss of her son. there is not many that have not been affected by fentanyl and the ravaging effect it leaves. >> carley: governor desantis did talk about the fentanyl issue yesterday. you lost your son to fooenl poisoning last year. take a listen to how he will handle this issue. watch this. >> if somebody were breaking into your house to do something
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bad, you would respond with force. why don't we do that at the southern border? if cartels are trying to run product to this country, they will end up stone cold dead. >> carley: in a nut shell, he wants to use military force against drug cartel, what do you think about that? >> that is amazing, if he can follow through in border policy plan, i think that would be a great thing. fentanyl is just as you know, coming through the border and just killing americans at alarming rates and it needs to stop. we need help and from our federal government, and if he promises to do what he's saying, we can save so many lives and that is our mission. governor desantis yesterday says it is humiliating our country
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does not have control of our own territory and people on both sides would agree with that statement. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> carley: all right. there is this, demp accurate climate regulation coming for new york city pizzeria by cracking down on coal and wood fire ovens. >> todd: could take a big bite out of business. some managers are here next to break it all down. ♪ so many hotels. ah! ah! ah! trouble booking the family vacay? come on. comfort has free hot breakfast for the whole fam. they have waffles! and splendid pools. cannonball! book direct at
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♪ ♪ the vehicles are all-electric. the feeling is all mercedes. the choice is all yours. see your dealer for exceptional offers today. hi, i'm ben, and i've lost 60 pounds on golo.
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i currently suffer from nerve damage which kept me bedridden for six months. i was very overweight and depressed. i was skeptical when i first ordered golo, but the condition i was in, i was willing to take the chance, and the chance turned out to be my lotto ticket. golo gave me back my life, and that's why i'm here. (announcer) change your life at that's is it possible to protect my business from cyber threats? it is, with comcast business. helping every connected device stay protected.
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yours. your employees'. even... susan? hers, too. safe. secure. and powered by the next generation 10g network. with comcast business, advanced security isn't just possible. it's happening. get started wih fast spees and advanced security for $49.99a month for 12 monts plus ask how to get up to a $750 prepaid card with qualifying internet. we moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. but then he got us t-mobile home internet. i was just trying to improve our signal,
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so some of the trees had to go. i might've taken it a step too far. (chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch. >> carley: a former biology professor says he was fired for saying that gender is determined by x and y chromosome. dr. johnson farkey was fired for what the school call religious and discriminatory comments. >> i was surprised and shocked. i've been teaching at that
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school for 20 years without any c complaint. >> carley: no word from the college if he will be reinstated. >> todd: and dr. dr. fauci retireing from national institute of allergy and infectious disease. he retired in 2022 after being heavily criticized for his handling of the pandemic. the city clamping down on carbon emission from coal and wood-fired ovens. business owners facing major costs. grimaldi's manager frank santora and consultant join us now. >> you mention it perfectly. >> todd: frank, it was covid
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lockdown, then they came after your gas stoves and now this. do you ever throw your hands up? >> what is going to come next? yesterday was a surprise. i hear this story, how could this be, we do everything to keep this place nice, clean and health and he we got to do something to change the food? >> carley: how much will it cost to install this new device? >> we heard estimates from $20 to $100,000. we have a special problem, we're in a landmark building, so you have to go through extra hoops. >> todd: how will you do this? >> we have to see about this f flume, which has to be bought
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from the united states. it is insanity. we make our pizza oven from italy, took four months to make it, we got coal from pennsylvania, keeping everything up to par and now they come across this with the emission. >> carley: the million dollar question, when you install this device, will it change the taste of the pizza? >> we don't know. >> carley: it might? >> might be a show stopper. >> carley: what is this device? >> we will do before and after, i will senda pizza pre, and afterward, let me know if it changes flavor. >> todd: this is changing what may beings new york new york like so many other aspects of government in this day and age. not just what i mention, just look at the streets. how do you sell new york pizza
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to a tourist coming in as junk you could have to sell? >> hotel rooms are $900 a night. they are giving away crack pipes and they are worried about my pizza oven. >> carley: will you even be able to do something like that? >> we have no choice. >> a crack pipe -- >> those are free. >> you don't have to pay for them. free, yeah. >> todd: get your reaction to that stat. you would have to burn a pizza oven like yours everyday for 849 years to equal john kerry's jet in one year. what is your reaction? >> the guy that put this law in
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effect mayor bill de blasio ate pizza with knife and fork. >> carley: that is gblaspheme u. >> carley: environmental department said they want everybody to have clean air, clean up the subway smoke billowing in the streets that you have to walk through and hope for the best or people using the street as a public bathroom. >> list of things to do, pizza oven scrubber should not have made the list. >> todd: you said it beautifully. >> thank you so much for joining us. we will send you pizza before and after. >> carley: i'm sure both will be
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delicious. >> todd: troy aikman calling out beer companies for trying to profit off patriotism. >> slapping an american flag on the package, regardless whether or not they are truly american. >> todd: charlie is here next. >> carley: first brian kilmeade will talk about what is coming up next. >> brian: white house goes on defense and president biden denies ever speaking with his son about his business deals. does anybody believe that? senator john kennedy is here. also irs whistleblower and former cia spy and congressman turned gop candidate will herd calls president biden worst border security president in u.s. security. he is touring the northern
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border today and shares plans to secure all of america. how about that? shannon bream does so many different things, today live from the supreme court as justices prepare to hand down decisions, her analysis coming up, including big-time decisions and don't miss joey jones, leo terrell, jimmy failla and all of us here on tuesday. you have nine minutes to put something on, even if you do not wear it all day, watch our show, be dressed. oh, ♪ i'm going to somewhere, anywhere. ♪ ♪ a beach house, a treehouse, ♪ ♪ honestly i don't care ♪ find the perfect vacation rental for you, booking. yeah.
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hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor? sure, he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right?
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♪ >> hall of fame troy aikman sharing his thoughts about beer companies looking to profit off the fourth of july. >> i have got to call it like it is. there is a lot of beer companies trying to cash in on holiday slapping a flag regardless of whether they're truly american. this july 4th drink american
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whether it's eight beer or any other american beer brand. on behalf of all of us out here, we appreciate your support. cheers. >> carley: quite the message charlie arnolt is the host of outkick and she joins us now what do you think about that just another kick to bud light which i love. bud light deserves it. we are waiting for an analogy still. did you see the commercial bud light put out. >> carley: i did. >> just recently maybe not the correct direction to go out to make everyone look like complete morons instead of giving a simple apology. what troy elkman is saying is absolutely true. a lot of beer companies ultra patriotic and catering to the audience they are hoping to attain like bud light would be it's probably not happening. i don't think many people are going to be reaching for that beer this holiday. >> todd: two thirds of the most popular beer that are drunk in the united states of america are
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foreign-owned i bought yen ling. i went with my two and a half-year-old. austin complains that transgender athletes under represented. the amount of energy gone into building this narrative would lead to you believe this there is this massive number of transathletes winning all the time the reality is we are are still statistically under represented. to be clear is he pointing throughout biological men are under represented in women's sports. >> it's so strange, isn't it, that wouldn't be tons of men in women's sports. huh, what an interesting thought. this is just the left's rhetoric august the time. they just constantly are spewing hate when, meanwhile if you say one thing back to them you are the one who is labeled as hateful or a bigot. this whole idea that women should be competing in women's sports is ludicrous. we saw austin who won a cycling race by more than five minutes.
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if that doesn't tell you something, i'm not sure what does. >> i do understand what austin is saying from a stat statisticl standpoint growing all at once. there has got to be a reason as to why that is happening. the other thing, also, if you are a young girl, a swimmer, a track athlete and you are put that position, it's a big deal to you, no matter how many people across the country are trans. >> the thing is, like you said, there is not so much trans athletes that have tried to make the move into women's sports but they're the ones screaming the loudest. something we are hearing about constantly. you talk about the trauma this inflicts on these girls and women not only are they having to let go of their opportunities, you know, to make way for these men entering into their space but also forced to share a locker room many times with these men and it's not right. >> todd: also point out there is no rules that any dude who doesn't even identify as
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transgender say i'm a woman to win the prize money. >> that's what's happening. >> todd: speaking of money. >> elon musk his mother may says the fight between her son and mark zuckerberg ain't happening she tweeted actually i canceled the fight i haven't told them yet. i will continue to say the fight is canceled just in case. >> she beautiful. >> todd: she gorgeous. how fun is it sometime richest man in the world is being shut down by his mom. >> this is a good mom for you though, right? they don't make moms like this anymore who looks out for you. momma musk wants to protect her son and she realizes that mark zuckerberg is trained in jujitsu. he has some skills. >> todd: is he still mark zuckerberg. >> carley: do you think this fight is going to happen? >> honestly i do think it's going to happen. dana white said he spoke to both guys totally serious about making it happen. obviously not about the money neither need an extra dollar. bragging rights.
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extra incentive on the line. maybe you have to be my assistant for the day. something funny to add a little flair. >> carley: charity and you have to be my assistant. >> todd: who have you got in this fight. >> elon musk all day. >> todd: there you go. >> no matter what happens it will be one to watch if it does, in fact, happen. charly, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> carley: fox and friends starts right now. killing president biden is promising again he never discussed business with his son hunter. >> despite whistleblower showing hunter shake down a business associate with the hem of his dad. >> i'm just not going to get into family discussion. >> any internal turmoil is a deadly threat to our state. >> with uncertainty surrounding russian president vladimir putin's leadership. russian officials are taking a approach. >> no u.s. involvement whatsoever. >> humiliating as a country to


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